The Kings Fund:  

The King's Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and health care in England. We help to shape policy and practice through research and analysis; develop individuals, teams and organisations; promote understanding of the health and social care system; and bring people together to learn, share knowledge and debate. Our vision is that the best possible care is available to all.

Chief Cultural and Leisure Officers Association (CLOA):

The Chief Cultural & Leisure Officers Association (CLOA) exclusively represents senior strategic leaders managing public sector cultural, tourism and sport services. It works closely with central government and key national organisations to influence the development of national policies and to lobby for positive change in the cultural and leisure sectors. It is also a founder and leading member of the National Culture Forum.

Health and Wellbeing Guidance:  

In recognition of the vital role culture and leisure play in improving the health and wellbeing of local communities, CLOA have published a guidance document that aims to help commissioners and providers of culture and leisure services in England understand and engage more effectively and collaboratively with this key agenda. The URL provided links to the guidance document but also to case studies of culture, health and wellbeing projects.

AESOP Arts Enterprise with Social Purpose:

AESOP’s core programme is a pipeline of ‘aesops’, arts enterprises with a social purpose, created to deliver artistic and social impact, grow and be taken to scale; linking with major institutions facing challenges which arts enterprises may help to address; developing an AESOP Toolbox to help arts and social organisations; exchanging knowledge through sharing best practice, offering training, consultancies and publications, developing public engagement and advocating changes in practice and policy. The 'Dance to Health' project responds to the issue of older people’s falls and challenges faced by current falls prevention services.

Time to Change:

Funded Projects Engagement projects, funded by 'Time to Change' in order to promote conversations about mental health are listed on the Time to Change website. Summaries of their all funded projects across the UK are featured on the website.

Music for Health Research Centre:

The main objective of the Music for Health Research centre is to initiate and undertake qualitative and quantitative based research enquiry in the broadly based fields of music therapy, music and health, and music for human wellbeing. The role of music in society is fundamental to the research activities of the centre, complementing current and future government initiatives to enhance the role of music in education, health and the community


The Writing for Wellbeing Organisation Lapidus provides networks and information for people interested in writing and creativity for personal development and in working with others.

The good effect on wellbeing was found to be the same or more than doing other activities, including sports, and visiting historic towns and buildings has the greatest impact.