Contacting Other Site Members

We've built in some great tools which help you use the site to network with other site members. Here's an overview:

My Messenger

Any member of the site can contact another user by clicking the Contact link at the top of their profile. This will send a message to the user that will appear in their creative space on the site, and also send a copy of the message to them by email. You can also add a user to your list of creative contacts by clicking the Add Contact link. You can also read messages you have been sent, view messages you have sent to others, or send a message to one of your creative contacts by clicking My Messenger from the navigation menu in your My Creative Home area. Please note you will need to be logged in in order to use the messenger.

Links to Users' Websites & Twitter Accounts

Each profile and listing on the site contains a link to the user's own website (if they have added the link when they created the listing). You'll also find links to users' Twitter accounts in the My Tweets tab at the bottom of some profiles.

Contact Details

Contact telephone number and email address are shown in the Location tab at the bottom of a profile/listing, where a user has chosen to list them.