Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 01 Jun 2016

Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival Commission

Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival Commission

As a brand new initiative for 2016, the Bournemouth Arts by the Sea Festival is inviting artists working across a range of disciplines to apply to create a new commission for the event. Successful artist applicants will receive funding, publicity around their commission and support from the festival’s production team to realise their idea. Whether working in sculpture, performance or digital art, we’re looking for artists, individuals and organisations who can provide a creative and unique response to our commissioning brief.

Interested or know someone who might be? Links to the website and the application form are below and the guidance document is attached below:

Deadline for applications: 1st June 2016

For more information visit

Opportunity Location

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types
