Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 31 Oct 2021

Bradford Council 4 x Heritage Freelance Opportunities

Bradford  Council 4 x Heritage Freelance Opportunities

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
4 x Heritage Freelance Opportunities

Bradford's new Cultural Strategy for 2021-2031, Culture is Our Plan, throughout which heritage is woven, reflects the high value placed by people in the district on heritage and the power of telling stories. Bradford is rich in heritage. Funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund allows us to develop a new Heritage Action Plan and create some devolved heritage funding opportunities. We need some experienced and imaginative people to help us do this.

Heritage Action Plan Consultant
Fee: £10,000 fixed. Working between November 2021 and February 2022.

You will consult with a wide range of stakeholders to identify current activity and links between initiatives, resources and strengths, and gaps and opportunities to fill them, in a very practical way. You will identify priorities and a timeline for action/ fundraising/ partnerships, and new things to test with the culture and heritage sector and the people of Bradford. Your work will include Community consultation, working with an artist in residence (below).

Closing date for applications: 5 pm Sunday 10 October

Artist in Residence
Fixed fee: £10,000; working 40 days across several months

Bradford Council is considering the future of its iconic City Hall, a Grade I listed, 19th century town hall in the heart of the city. We want to know what the people of Bradford think about the building – particularly the public spaces within it. What aspirations do they have for this iconic building? How can it reflect their own lives and stories? Could it be put to more – and more relevant - public use?
We want to appoint a socially engaged artist to animate these conversations.

Closing date for applications: 5 pm Sunday 31st October.

Heritage Instigators x 2
Fixed fee of £15,000 for each of these roles, with a separate budget for reasonable expenses. We each will each involve 2.5 days/week between Autumn 2021 and Spring/Summer 2022.

We need 2 Heritage Instigators to build heritage capacity in communities and individuals, to stimulate well-developed applications to the Council’s cultural grants programme. You will be hosted within community organisations in the Bradford district.

Closing date: 5.00pm on Sunday 17 October.

Find out more at the link below.

For more information visit

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Opportunity Types
