Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 31 Dec 2017

The Yapp Charitable Trust

The Yapp Charitable Trust

The Yapp Charitable Trust make grants for running costs and salaries to small registered charities in England and Wales to help sustain their existing work.

A summary of our grant making:
◾We offer grants only to registered charities with a total annual expenditure of less than £40,000
◾We will not fund work that does not focus specifically on one of our priority groups
◾We only fund running costs
◾Grants are normally for a maximum of £3,000 per year and we will fund for up to three years.
◾Most of our grants are for more than one year because we like to fund ongoing needs
◾Applicants that reflect our grant making policy have the best chance of success

Priority groups:
◾Elderly people
◾Children and young people aged 5 – 25
◾People with physical impairments, learning difficulties or mental health challenges
◾Social welfare – people trying to overcome life-limiting problems of a social, rather than medical, origin (such as addiction, relationship difficulties, abuse, offending)
◾Education and learning (with a particular interest in people who are educationally disadvantaged, whether adults or children)

We will not fund work that does not focus on one of the above priority groups.

We only make grants for core funding. We define core funding as the costs associated with regular activities or services that have been ongoing for at least a year. We can not fund new projects, extra services or additional delivery costs. This includes creating a paid post for work that is currently undertaken on a voluntary basis or rent for premises that are currently cost free.

We can only offer grants to registered charities that have been formally established for a minimum of three years. Newly registered charities may apply but the organisation must have appointed a management committee and adopted a governing document at least 3 years ago.

For more information go to:

Address: 1st Floor, MILE House, Bridge End, Chester le Street, Co. Durham, DH3 3RA
Phone: 0191 3893300.

For more information visit

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Opportunity Types
