
hcmf// / Events / Sat 21 Nov 2020

Music At Play: Session 1

Music At Play: Session 1

Zoom workshop for newborns and children up to three years old

Saturday November 21, 10am

Places are free, but must be booked in advance. To book your place, please contact hcmf// Learning & Participation Officer Sophie Cooper at s.cooper@hud.ac.uk

Join songwriter and musician Jess Baker for a beautiful lullaby singing session for you and your child.

Jess will guide the session, singing songs in lots of different languages that are easy for you to learn and sing along with at home. Your microphone will be off so no one else will hear you sing apart from you and your family. Singing to your baby is proven to have lots of benefits, including helping to develop their communication skills – through song, babies learn how to combine words to form a sentence. Don’t worry if you don’t think you’re a good singer – your child will love your voice no matter how in tune you are.

Jess Baker is a singer, songwriter and community musician who believes that music should be accessible to all. She specializes in harmony group singing and runs workshops in mental health settings, prisons and schools. You can find out more about Jess and her practice by visiting her website.

Event Location

Event Details


Festivals, Music, Online

Age group

Families, Under 5s