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Earth Beneath Your Feet

Earth Beneath Your Feet exploring the natural wonders of South Devon

Wonderful outdoor activities for all ages. We have been running events in the area for six years.

Earth Beneath Your Feet runs:

- fabulous events just for dads and their children. Our next event is a Pirate Beach Adventure on Sat 22 Sept - only £15 per dad with children free. e:

- fabulous events just for mums and their children. Contact us for more information.

- family Forest School activities in local woodlands with tracking, cooking, den-building, spotting, hiding and exploring. Great for an unusual day out or a birthday party.

- celebration events. Maybe it's your birthday or anniversary soon? Why not celebrate at a secluded sandy beach with a wild-food meal or a swim in a remote river with friends?

- personal guided visits to the most remote and beautiful parts of South Devon. You won't believe how many secret and unspoilt spots there are - with a personal guide you can explore, learn about the local landscape, forage for food and enjoy an amazing meal with no-one nearby. Really energising! Ideal for individuals and couples - an anniversary, birthday or honeymoon treat?

Fully-qualified staff and 1st aid-trained. We do risk assessments on all activities. Relax, explore, enjoy & be inspried by the Earth beneath your feet. Transport can be arranged. We will supply most equipment - you just need to come along and have fun.

Prices are really competitive. Contact:

My Location

Telephone: 01803 840 990

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My Events

Pirate Beach Adventure / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2012-09-22T00:00:00Z">Sat 22 Sep 2012</span>Pirate Beach Adventure / Sat 22 Sep 2012

Calling all dads & male carers across South Devon with children aged 6 & over - the best dad’s group ever! Pirate Beach Adventure Shipwrecked......