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Upcycily is a bag & accessory brand based in Huddersfield , owned by Virag Erdelyi.

The mission of the business is to reduce textile waste by up-cycling unwanted, pre-loved clothing items which then will be turned into one-of-a-kind , unique and quality bags and accessories. The vision of the company is to develop a zero waste production system to eliminate any excess waste and also to offer the most unique and one-off products which customers won't find anywhere else in the world.

Please note: The company is under development at the moment and will be officially launching in 2020.

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My Location

The Duke of York Young Entrepreneur Centre

Virag Erdelyi
3M Buckley Innovation Centre
Firth Street

Telephone: 07474 030 167

Profile Details

My Events

Upcycling craft workshop x Oxfam Online Batley / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2019-11-28T00:00:00Z">Thu 28 Nov 2019</span>Upcycling craft workshop x Oxfam Online Batley / Thu 28 Nov 2019

The ultimate upcycling craft workshop in collaboration with Oxfam Online Batley. Come & create something unique out of unwanted clothes provided b...